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What is The SMART Framework?

Reality Creation
Thoughtful Action

Why does it work to ditch 'perfect?'

Are you sick of trying to be 'perfect,' seeking approval from everyone but you? Watch this free webinar to discover how you can stop the unending cycle of striving to be 'perfect.'

Take the Quiz - "What is 'Perfect' Costing You"

Why is SMARis the New Perfect different?

We show you HOW to be BraveHOW to be Courageous, HOW to uncover your Authentic Self which will ultimately guide You to Your WHY!
Stand Up, Speak Up and Power Up to live the life you are meant to live!


Women tend to chase 'perfect' to run from something or to run towards something.

We are here to help you stop the chase towards 'perfect.' We meet you where you are, in the middle of your busy, demanding, messy life. We challenge you to awaken your self-compassion through acknowledging your character strengths of goodness, contributions, and potential, while also accepting your humanity with all of your flaws, frailties, and past mistakes. How are some women able to be strong and stand in their truth? The key to living your authentic life and pursuing your dreams is self-compassion. The best thing you need to know: Self-Compassion is learned. Through The SMART Framework, you will build the foundation of your power based within your heart, mind, and soul. This is your time to Stand UpSpeak Up and Power Up.


What are you giving up by living a life defined by a culture of 'perfection?'

What do you really want? What are your non-negotiable values? What is your definition of a successful life of abundant, financial, emotional, and spiritual fulfillment? This is an action step to create positive forward movement toward the lifestyle you deserve. We know you have many commitments so we Make-it-Happen by curating small pivots that add up to create a life-changing transformation of authenticity and freedom. Develop a plan with the SMART planning resources and tools, which include celebratory milestones when you have success, and support to get you back on track when the inevitability of life shows up. We are here for you to face your fears, be courageous, and take the leap from 'perfect' to SMART.


Isn’t it exhausting when you’re not being true to yourself?

Does acting phony in order to live up to other’s standards and expectations make you angry, sad, or frustrated? It takes a lot of energy to hide your truth. This can be the most challenging aspect of the SMART journey, yet this is where growth happens. Intrinsically, you know what you want to do with your life, but you might feel stuck. We guide you through the process of understanding what matters to you, your why. What beliefs are holding you back? We encourage you to listen to that little voice inside and to pay attention to your gut feelings. Define your new SMART beliefs. Clarify your uniqueness. Decide what behaviors are consistent with what you believe. Knowing your true self and claiming your authenticity is where you will find your power to escape the never-ending cycle of chasing 'perfection.'

Reality Creation

Is your environment bringing you down, or lifting you up?

Building a supportive lifestyle is fundamental to helping you to achieve the success you deserve. This is an action step. The SMART process of reality creation involves creating an affirming home environment, a positive workplace, and a support system of people who believe in you. We show you how to develop “self-efficacy” which is a solid belief in your capabilities to achieve the goals that you desire. Women with high “self-efficacy” have more success, make more money, and are happier than those without it.  A great example is packing your gym bag the night before. We also demonstrate the value of role models to create your unique persona. This is a fun process designed to support your success. As you follow The SMART Framework you will become stronger in your truth which will allow you to set healthy boundaries with awareness and thoughtful communication.

Thoughtful Action

How often do you put your head on the pillow after a crazy busy day and think, “I did not do anything for me?”

We know your dilemma because we are women who are also pulled in many different directions. Women tend to seek approval and take care of others instead of practicing self-care. We know there are days when you don’t feel like you deserve to be good to yourself. That is why we have developed proven SMART reminders, triggers, new habits, and uplifting sayings that will inspire you and keep you motivated to move toward your goals and dreams every single day. We show you how to cultivate positivity and optimism through daily accomplishments. We celebrate when you take a small step or a big leap because each forward moving thoughtful action is success. When you put your head on your pillow, your heart, soul, and mind will be filled with a little more self-respect and self-love. What a way to end your busy day and take charge of your life!

until you value yourself

you will be devalued!


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