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Learning to work SMART not perfect, has been a lifelong journey for Megan, but one that she would not change for the world. Taking chances, failing forward and continual growth have all been part of her imperfect journey.From losing 50lbs, to going back to school, Megan knows the magic continuing to reimagine, redefine and grow herself and her career. 

Her education and experience with photography and writing adds the creative flair and articulation we love. Megan contributes her experiences, energy and passion to inspire and uplift the SMART team and our tribe.

Megan brings her creativity and innovative ideas to show women they can live the life of their dreams.

 Learning to celebrate what some might see as failures (life lessons) has lead her to become the woman she is today.  She is happily married and when she is not working or exercising you, will find her cuddling with her cats, Kali, Loki and Puck, knitting and catching up on favorite shows.

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