SMART is the New Perfect Signature 12 Week Experience NOW OPEN β€’ Click here for more information
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smart is the New Perfect

A socially conscious women's empowerment and media company built by women for women. 

SMART is the New Perfect

 We guide you through small pivots that create huge transformations with the SMART Framework. Stop seeking approval from others! Live your authentic truth!

We offer online courses, coaching, speaking engagements, workshops, women's retreats, articles, research, resources, tools, expert advice, interviews, videos and a community designed to show women how to stop the unending cycle of trying to be 'perfect' and measuring up to others standards and expectations. At the heart of 

SMART is the New Perfect

is a transformative and revolutionary process, The SMART Framework, designed to show women how to make the changes to live their authentic lives as opposed to striving for the unending cycle of 'perfection.' 

The SMARFramework

S - Self-Compassion

M - Make-It-Happen

A - Authenticate

R - Reality Creation

T - Thoughtful Action


What is The SMART Framework?

Until you value yourself
you will be devalued


SMART is the New Perfect 


Awaken Self-Compassion, Authenticity and Power in All Women


Love- Acceptance and Non-Judgement

Faith- We all have a Purpose

Self-Compassion- The antidote to 'Perfection'

Drive- Bring your Best

Service Matters- We love our SMART Women

Benevolence- Give Time, Profit, Product


SMART is the New Perfect


 Respect for one another is our baseline. We expect each team member to be all-in, out of respect for one another. Communication is imperative. We strive for transparency and an open-door policy. We are a culture of inclusivity and diversity which encourages innovative ideas and growth. We cultivate a work environment to continuously improve our offerings to consistently exceed customer expectations. 

Fail early. Fail often. Fail forward. Reinvent. Iterate. Improve and do it again.


We celebrate small wins. Building a business is hard work so we look for opportunities to reward each other’s efforts along the way. Everyone has different work styles. We like the diversity of talent. We encourage each team member to design their workday so they can optimize their contributions. We expect accountability, we expect results, we expect growth, we expect profitability
We love our tribe who are our customers, our fans, our champions, and our business partners. 

We are committed to the SMART  Women’s Movement. 

We love what we do. 

We change lives for the better

We have Fun!

SIGN UP Signature SMART is the New Perfect 3 Month Experience

The smart Team

Kimberlee Jo  |  Founder of The SMART Women's Movement

Kimberlee Jo is many things: a change-maker, an unshakable optimist, and an inspiring speaker who engages audiences as they experience a rare clarity about their next steps and way forward.

Favorite Quote: "Be the kind of woman, who when her feet hit the floor in the morning, the devil says, Watch out here she comes!”

Best live concert experience: Earth Wind and Fire in Monaco under the stars at a Presidential Sales Event, and even better, I was with my husband. 

Guilty Pleasure: Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting with chocolate ice cream on top.  

Favorite way to treat yo' self: Dancing all over the house while no one is watching!

Destination you are eager to get back to? Kaanapali Beach on Maui.

 As for that perfect thing; she is now 'Not Perfect.' Join her to create the life you are dreaming about!


Oodles More:) Click Here!

Kristy Nardini  |  SMART  Coach, 

Kristy is an Independent Contractor working with Kimberlee Jo LLC.  Favorite Quote: "There are no problems, only solutions.” - John Lennon

Best Live Concert Experience: Santana, under the stars above Tahoe on a warm summer night. 

Guilty Pleasure: A really nice Cabernet in a really nice glass, with someone(s) I love.  

Favorite way to treat yo'self:  Spa day with the works! Even better if the day is shared with good girlfriends.

Destination you are eager to get back to: Italy, Spain, Hungary, and Bali.

Megan Triebe  |  SMART Community Manager 

Megan’s passion for helping people live their best life inspired her to work with Kimberlee Jo and the SMART Women’s Movement. She brings a unique perspective of how challenging life can be with her experience as a personal support worker for adults with special needs. We value Megan's background because we celebrate diversity and inclusivity. Megan is an Independent Contractor working with Kimberlee Jo LLC. 

Favorite Quote: ”There is no innovation and creativity without failure. Period.” - Brene Brown. 

Best Live Concert Experience: The Tragically Hip. As a Canadian, I don’t think I’ve ever had a more Canadian experience than seeing The Hip on their last tour at the SBA. So grateful to be able to say goodbye to a fantastic band, and a creative man. 

Guilty Pleasure: Cheesy TV shows, where I can just melt away. 

Favorite way to treat yo'self:  Manicure and Pedicure - It's pure me time.

Destination you are eager to get back to: Costa Rica and the monkeys! 

More about Megan

The smart Women's Movement

We are SMART Women leading a movement to provide solutions and to support one another. There is a lot of noise out there! Let’s take advantage of our opportunity to make long-lasting change for generations to come locally, nationally and globally.


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